For those who are passionate about learning

Share your learning journey with others! Sharing tips, thoughts, and other information with those who are passionate about learning.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Company You Keep

I was asked to be the guest speaker at the Metro DC ASTD Chapter, Free Agent Special Interest Group (SIG) event on Friday, June 17th.  The Free Agent SIG is a group of independent consultants who gather to discuss topics related to self-employed learning and development professionals. The topic for the event was "Growing Yourself, Not Just the Business".  During the event, I had the pleasure of experiencing very stimulating and engaging conversation with my peers and colleagues.  On my ride home from the event, I began to reflect on the people with whom I just met.  Then, I began to dig a little deeper into my "inner circle."  A particular quote from Les Brown came to mind..."If you're the smartest person in your group, then you need a new group."

The topic of the April 20, 2010 Inspiration, Motivation, Information - Personal Development Blog, discusses Les Brown's quote.  I took the advice of the blog and started evaluating my inner circle or group that I associate with these days.  I specifically asked myself the following questions that are mentioned in the blog:

  • Why am I with this group?

  • Am I the smartest person in my group?

  • Do I like where this group has me headed?

  • Am I okay with what my group has me becoming?

  • After careful evaluation of my inner circle, I decided that this group is exactly the people that I need to be associating myself with.  Here are my answers to the questions...

    Why am I with this group?
    They help me grow!  My inner circle encourages and supports me when I face challenges and helps me move along my learning journey. 

    Am I the smartest person in my group?
    Absolutely not!  I make it a point not to be around people from whom I can't learn.  My inner circle is comprised of people from diverse backgrounds, educational levels, ages, and are smart.

    Do I like where this group has me headed?
    Yes, I do!  My inner circle is going somewhere.  They are always looking for ways to improve systems, communication, processes, etc.  They are continuous learners like me.

    Am I okay with what my group has me becoming?
    Yes, I am!  My group wants what's best for me.  They are happy when I'm fulfilling my purpose and passion.  They want me to be successful.

    We must be careful of the company that we keep.  We also need to ensure that the people with whom we're associated are going to help us achieve our personal and professional goals.  They need to be going somewhere and not holding us back from achieving our best.  It's important to evaluate our groups from time-to-time. 

    When the company that we keep is the right group, they will help you on your learning journey by sharing their experiences with you as they move along their journey.

    1 comment:

    1. I totally agree with your article. The company we keep reflects a part of who we are to some extent. I am always expanding my circle. I dont trust a lot of people to form a close intimate inner circle though.
