On November 16th, I wrote this post for the Metro DC ASTD Chapter blog. I have been intrigued by the many attempts to create an ISD (instructional
systems design) process that is different from ADDIE (for those who don't know
what that is...an instructional design process that uses these steps...Analyze,
Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate).
My curiosity started at the ASTD International Conference and Exposition earlier this year. As I was choosing my sessions to attend, I saw a recurring theme such as Leaving the ADDIE Model Behind, Instructional Design in the Fast Lane, The Secret to Learning: Four Questions that Must be Answered, and Brilliance by Design. All of these sessions had one thing in common...they all were offering a different ISD model for designing and developing training.
So what do I do? I go buy books to read more and hopefully find a more "effective and efficient" way to create excellent training. I always end up feeling like I wasted my money and very disappointed. I often wonder that I'm missing something because I just don't get it. In my opinion, I feel like all they are trying to do is repackage ADDIE. I'm not saying that they don't offer some good tips to enhance ADDIE because many of them do, but at the end of the day it's ADDIE.
I have come to realize that ADDIE has served me well for years. I've created some very dynamic and effective learning events using good ole' ADDIE. I must admit that ADDIE isn't perfect. I do have short cuts and enhancements to fit my constraints and work environment because rarely do we have time to do all of the proper steps involved in the process. But for now, I think I'm going to end my search for something to replace ADDIE and embrace the components that it has and that others are trying so hard to re-create.
When you find something that has all of the rigor and completeness that ADDIE has, please share it with me. Thanks! In the mean time, I will share some of the ways that I use ADDIE in the real world in upcoming posts.
Yours in learning,
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